Cultuur & Debat
The Spirit / The shifting currents of the sea
Where loss and shared emotions transcend borders.
Let’s say that if you lose something
You lose it to the sea
To the stream
To change
Three women, strangers, washed up on shore in an unknown place
All alone, together
Dancing in the waves of memories
Stepping in backwards
One by one
Wave by wave
On the line of change
Leaving behind
All that’s lost
‘Over the shifting currents of the sea’ is an unusual theatre experience about the questions; What is home? How to mourn loss together? And can grief bring people closer?
In the world we live in it can be challenging to experience unity. Countries are divided by borders, laws ands contracts that bring along privileges and separation, wars between and within those borders, news and social media that share opposite points of view, rapidly changing political situations.
This work represents the idea that even though we might all have a different culture, upbringing, values, religion or political beliefs, in the core we experience the same feelings. Feelings of grief and loss and the need for community and togetherness to experience love and unity. A feeling of belonging, safety, being seen and being supported.
This need for community, in the right circumstances can cross borders, believes and conflicts, right?
Through song, dance and story-telling, these three women, strangers, will find their way together through the common feelings of loss and grief.

Meer informatie
Tijdens het driedaagse festival The Spirit of Amsterdam meer dan 35+ van Amsterdam’s mooiste, soms verborgen, gebedshuizen tot theater, dansvloer, stilteruimte, filmhuis, of dinerlocatie. Artiesten, kunstenaars, gebedshuizen en maatschappelijke organisaties verrassen je met een mix van muziek, kunst, cultuur en rituelen. Bekijk het hele programma hier.